e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2021

e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2021

7th of October 2021, Lindner**** Hotel Gallery Central, Bratislava

If at all possible, we hope that we will be able to meet in person.
Online attendance of the conference is available.

Ideal workplace learning should be smooth and seamless. It should not bother your learners. Now is the right time to take advantage of what the technology offers. Like training our employees when they need it or evaluating the impact of learning on their work and on our business. Implementation of new technologies and platforms in L&D as well as the demand for digital skills will accelerate even more in 2021. Join us in exploring the now and the future of workplace learning and development.


  • Inspiring speakers
  • Case studies of successful application of digital technologies in learning
  • Tips on measuring and evaluating the impact of learning on the work of an individual employee and the whole business
  • Practical examples of modern technologies that can level up learning and development of your employees
  • Networking and know-how sharing
  • Friendly and relaxed atmosphere


Reminisce about our conferences from past years.

e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2019

e-learnmedia CAFÉ Business Stage 2018

Spoločná konferencia e-learnmedia CAFÉ & HRcomm 2017

Who is the conference for?

  • HR Directors
  • HR Managers
  • L&D Professionals
  • Specialists for Digital Technologies in L&D
  • Executives
  • Teamleaders
  • Enthusiasts and Supporters of E-learning and Digital Technologies

You will see these speakers

We connect professionals, that can share know-how, inspire one another and can build new relationships or friendships in friendly and relaxed environment.

Conference program

Enjoy a full day of inspirational topics, interesting technologies, networking and great atmosphere!

08:30 | Registration & morning coffee

09:00 | Welcome

09:20 | Pygmalion efekt: metamorfóza vo firemnom vzdelávaní

Andrea Ulahelová, Learning and Leadership Development Lead, Accenture

Ani korporátne organizácie, ktoré fungujú dynamicky a neustále sa menia, neboli úplne pripravené na nevyhnutné zmeny, ktoré si vynútila pandémia Covid-19. Adaptácia na nové virtuálne prostredie priniesla zaujímavé poznatky a nové skúsenosti a otvorila aj otázku, ako ďalej do budúcna aj v oblasti firemného vzdelávania. Definovanie nových, udržateľných prístupov a praktík vo vzdelávaní bude kľúčovou témou väčšiny organizácií. Andrea Ulahelová z Accenture na Slovensku bude hovoriť o konkrétnych skúsenostiach, ktoré k nim do oblasti vzdelávania so sebou priniesla éra Covid-u a tiež o možných benefitoch a úskaliach virtuálneho vzdelávania v budúcnosti.

09:50 | Crossing the skills chasm - people strategy for the new world of work

Lars Hyland, Chief Learning Officer, Totara Learning

The skills you have today are not the skills you need tomorrow. The World Economic Forum predicts that a billion people will need to upskill before 2030 in order to stay relevant in the workplace. This requires immediate action from the whole HR function, working in new ways, using new technology and processes. You need a fresh playbook to survive and thrive. So, what steps can you take NOW to prepare your people and organization for the major changes ahead?

In this session you will learn how to:

  • How to address the key challenges to the workplace today
  • Define and sustain the capabilities that build more flexible, adaptable people who can perform well in the face of constant change.
  • Design action learning experiences that foster agile collaboration to solve the problems and find new ideas that really matter to business performance.
  • Align learning, engagement and performance management practices to deliver a more congruent, friction-free talent experience for your people.

10:20 | Coffee break & networking

10:50 | MINDWORX Academy: Slovenský online kurz, ktorý dobyl 70 krajín sveta

Matej Šucha, CEO MINDWORX a InsideBE

Príbeh toho, ako sa z nápadu v aute na D jednotke, dávky šťastia a tisícov hodín práce stal najlepší online kurz o behaviorálnej ekonómii a zákazníckej psychológii na svete. Čo sme spravili dobre, čo bolo zbytočné a a čo sme sa naučili pri vytváraní a predávaní kurzu Behavioral Economics & Psychology in Marketing.

11:20 | How do you measure success in business? Linking ROI to Corporate Training Objectives

Rihards Lakstigals, Account Executive, IntelliBoard

Your LMS provides an incredible amount of rich, raw data that can be harvested to track and analyze learning performance – and inform mission critical business decisions that impact educational objectives. In this presentation we are going to identify performance gap in your corporate environment, examine how best to create measurable objectives for your training, and how our Analytics & Reporting solution, IntelliBoard can support your business’s training efforts.

11:50 | Ach, ten compliance...

Elena Urbanová, Senior Experience Designer, e-learnmedia

Povinné vzdelávanie sa neteší veľkej obľube. Málokto mu rozumie a takmer nikto nevie, prečo skutočne existuje. Ako dosiahnuť, aby ľudia (v rámci možností) radi študovali compliance e-learning? A ako navyše dosiahnuť, aby mal prínos pre firmu? Ukážeme si to aj na príkladoch z praxe.

12:20 | Lunch & networking

13:50 | Kedy učenie bolí a kedy robí radosť?

Martina Bačová, psychoterapeut
Michal Bača, psychológ

Počas moderovanej diskusie so psychológmi Martinou a Michalom budeme hľadať odpovede na otázky:

  • Ako funguje ľudská motivácia pri učení: je učenie pre ľudí prirodzené, alebo treba k učeniu iných ľudí motivovať, tlačiť, či ťahať?
  • Čo môžeme robiť pre to, aby sa ľudia chceli učiť? A môžeme vôbec niečo v tomto smere robiť?
  • Ako súvisí psychologické bezpečie s chuťou učiť sa? A čo to vôbec je psychologické bezpečie?
  • Ako nastavovať vzdelávacie programy, aby ich ľudia chceli?
  • A čo s nedostatkom času na vzdelávanie?
V roli moderátora sa predstaví náš Juraj (Co-Founder & CEO, e-learnmedia)

14:20 | Vzdelávanie, rozvoj a učenie sa ako súčasť martinusáckej kultúry

Viera Tatayová, interný kouč a špecialista vzdelávania, Martinus

V Martinuse veríme, že učenie sa je celoživotná záležitosť. Že vzdelávanie a objavovanie nových vecí skôr, ako príde akútna potreba niečo zmeniť, je zmysluplné a užitočné. Že na začiatok stačí, ak to funguje a nemusí to byť dokonalé. O tom, ako v Martinuse rozvíjajú prostredie podporujúce vzdelávanie a rozvoj, sa s Vami podelí Viera Tatayová.

14:50 | Coffee break & networking

15:20 | Dva roky digitálnej transformácie za dva týždne... alebo čo ľudí lockdown naučil a prečo na to zabudnú...

Lukáš Bakoš, konateľ, Maxman Consultants
Snežana Ďuricová, senior konzultantka, Maxman Consultants

Interaktívny rozhovor, v ktorom sa podelíme o naše skúsenosti s preklopením všetkých klasických rozvojových programov do online sveta, budeme sa zamýšľať nad tým, či je rezistencia voči zmene mýtus alebo realita a pozrieme sa aj na niekoľko psychologických princípov, ktoré nás síce nenapĺňajú optimizmom, ale nakoniec to všetko aj tak skončí happy endom...

15:50 | Interný (talentový) koučing ako pilier rastu a vzdelávania

Jozef Dodo Dolinka, Customer Success Team Coach, Slido

Mať vo firme HR oddelenie, dedikovaných HR partnerov pre jednotlivé tímy, externých (alebo dokonca interných - wow!) koučov, či zazmluvnených terapeutov nemusí stačiť na to, aby sa ľudia cítili podporovaní, pochopení a dostatočne v bezpečí. Dodo nás prevedie tým, čo sa za posledné roky naučil v role tímového talentového kouča v Slido, ktoré aspekty jeho role sú kritické a ako jeho práca napomáha ľuďom učiť sa a rásť.

16:20 | Summary

16:40 | Networking & drink

Download zone

To download documents, please enter a password.

We look forward to meeting you at the conference location

7th of October 2021
Lindner**** Hotel Gallery Central, Metodova 4, Bratislava

Frequently Asked Questions

Most common questions about the conference.
e-learnmedia CAFÉ is a space that we created eleven years ago to connect our clients, partners and all digital learning enthusiasts. We try to bring to you and share with you the latest insights and our experience from the world of digital learning. (CAFÉ is an acronym for Client Advisory Forum Event)
The conference is for L&D Directors, L&D and HR Managers, Specialists for Digital Technologies in L&D, L&D Specialists, Executives, Teamleaders and all enthusiasts of digital learning and talent development in business.

There are two options to attend the conference:

1. Personal (on-site) attendance

  • Take the opportunity to sign up for a discounted entrance fee of early bird € 119 without VAT per participant until July 31, 2021.
  • The basic fee applies: 1 participant / 149 EUR excl. VAT
  • Members of HRcomm association are entitled to a 10 % discount on participation fee

Participation fee includes: 2x coffee break + lunch + conference related organizational costs + video recording after the conference.

COVID-19: If we will be unable to meet in person due to statewide protective measures, we will refund the fee in full, or you will be able to attend the conference via online method and we will refund the difference in participation fees.

2. Online attendance

  • Take the opportunity to sign up for a discounted entrance fee of early bird € 79 without VAT per participant until July 31, 2021.
  • The basic fee applies: 1 participant / 99 EUR excl. VAT
  • Members of HRcomm association are entitled to a 10 % discount on participation fee

Participation fee includes video recording that we willl send you after the conference.

Payment method: bank transfer after registration confirmation and receiving the advance invoice. You will receive a settlement invoice after the conference.

Registration closing: 29th of September 17:00

Cancellation fees:

  • If you cancel your registration 22 or more days before the conference, cancellation fee is 0 EUR
  • If you cancel your registration 7 – 21 days before the conference, cancellation fee is 50 % of the participation fee
  • If you cancel less then 7 days before the conference, cancellation fee is 100 % of the participation fee

If you cannot attend the conference yourself, a substitute can take your place. In that case, please, let us know as soon as possible.

You can use the registration form to register for the conference. Subsequently you will receive a confirmation of your registration via e-mail. Then you will receive an advance invoice. After you pay the participation fee and attend the conference, we will issue a settlement invoice.
There will be :) To conclude the conference, we have prepared for participants an opportunity to engage in informal networking while enjoying a small bite. You can also use breaks during the event for additional networking. Online participants will be able to enjoy special content during breaks.
Presentations will be given in Slovak, Czech or English language.
Main organizer of the conference e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2021 is e-learnmedia, s. r. o.

e-learnmedia, s. r. o.
Prievozská 14, 821 09 Bratislava
tel.: +421 2 32 60 40 11
e-mail: info@e-learnmedia.sk

e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2021 will be held in Lindner Hotel Gallery Central, Metodova 4, Bratislava.

You can park in an underground parking garage of the hotel for 4 hours without charge. After the 4-hour limit, you will be charged 2 EUR/car/hour.

Ideally leave the car at home! You won't regret it ;)

e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2021 will be held in Lindner Hotel Gallery Central, Metodova 4, Bratislava.

If you come by car, you can park in an underground parking garage of the hotel for 4 hours without charge. After the 4-hour limit, you will be charged 2 EUR/car/hour. Ideally leave the car at home! You won't regret it ;)

You can also use a public transportation (bus, tram, trolleybus). The public transportation stop near the hotel is called "Trnavské mýto".

We hope that we will be able to meet in person in October. If this will be impossible due to statewide COVID-19 protective measures, you can attend the conference online. You will also receive a video recording of the conference after the event.


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