The learning industry today is facing two key challenges – how do you make learning more accessible and tailored to the individual and at the same time ensure that you maintain operational compliance in this ever increasing regulated world. At NetDimensions’ we believe you can satisfy both requirements with our NTS platform. In this presentation we will cover the main trends driving the industry and how the NTS platform is evolving to satisfy these needs today and in the future, as well as show you some of the powerful functionality available today to support your learning strategy. In addition we will give you a glimpse into what we are doing with the latest acquisition of PeopleFluent to provide a compressive platform to support your complete Talent Management strategy.
Adaptívne vzdelávanie sa prispôsobí tempu, vedomostiam a potrebám študenta. Microlearning organizuje učivo do malých (mikro) lekcií. Vďaka spojeniu týchto prístupov vzniká skutočne efektívne vzdelávanie s dlhodobým účinkom.
Organisations are expected to have business agility, where business decisions and directions could shift overnight. To achieve ever-changing goals, they need to have Talent Agility - a workforce that adapts rapidly to change. In this session Mike will explore how the the restrictive nature of traditional LMS centric learning often falls short in bringing agility in learning and reviewing the new world of learning engagement technology, that create a new arena for programs to now move at the speed of business.
Virtuálna realita je ideálna platforma na vzdelávanie a tréning študentov a odborných pracovníkov. Hlavne v oblastiach, kde je klasické školenie nákladné, neefektívne, alebo nemožné.
In this practically oriented session, we will cover the hot topic of Microlearning. Specifically, our focus will be the “Netflix movement“ in the corporate language learning space. After looking into the key trends influencing the modern learner, we will move into a real-life case study showcasing how microlearning has been implemented in an organizational setting. Particpants of this session will be equipped with practical tips and concrete examples on how to deliver engaging learning experience within their own organization.
Rapid change is forcing organisations of all sizes and sectors to reinvent how they do business at an unprecedented pace. At Totara, we believe that open technology coupled with open business collaboration is the sustainable, strategic response to an unpredictable future. In this session, Gottfried will show you how open source gives you the tools and freedom to innovate with examples of how clients were able to customise their learning platforms without compromising. This is also a fantastic opportunity to hear directly from Totara about our new product strategy, and to provide your input in an informal setting.
Stáva sa aj vám, že sa občas stratíte v množstve údajov, ktoré sú výstupom zo vzdelávania vašich zamestnancov? Nie ste úplne spokojní s reportami v súčasnom LMS? Ak ste aspoň na jednu z uvedených otázok odpovedali áno, je táto prezentácia určená práve vám. Spoločne sa zamyslíme nad možnosťami ako kvalitnejšie analyzovať údaje o vzdelávaní s pomocou nástroja Zoola Analytics. Ukážeme si ako vytvárať nielen tabuľky s údajmi o vzdelávaní, ale aj prehľadnejšie grafy s aktívnymi filtrami.